Template:Location map North Atlantic

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Location map of North Atlantic
name North Atlantic
x (51.1687)*( cos( {{{2}}}*0.01745329252 )*sin( ({{{3}}}-(-35.0))*0.01745329252 ) ) * ( ((1 + sin( {{{2}}}*0.01745329252 )*sin( 35.0*0.01745329252 ) + cos( {{{2}}}*0.01745329252 )*cos( 35.0*0.01745329252 )*cos(({{{3}}}-(-35.0))*0.01745329252 ) ) *0.5)^ -0.5)- (-50.0)
y (100 + (-48.0905) ) - (62.8332)*( cos( 35.0*0.01745329252 )*sin( {{{2}}}*0.01745329252 ) - sin( 35.0*0.01745329252 )*cos( {{{2}}}*0.01745329252 )*cos( ({{{3}}}-(-35.0))*0.01745329252 ) ) * ( ((1 + sin( {{{2}}}*0.01745329252 )*sin(35.0*0.01745329252 ) + cos( {{{2}}}*0.01745329252 )*cos( 35.0*0.01745329252 )*cos( ({{{3}}}-(-35.0))*0.01745329252 ) ) *0.5)^ -0.5)
image North_Atlantic_Ocean_laea_location_map.svg
Location map North Atlantic
image1 North_Atlantic_Ocean_laea_relief_location_map.jpg
Location map North Atlantic